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Please complete the contact information below to join the coalition. Once approved you will be given full access to our website and Forums. We will get you approved as quickly as possible.

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Tenessee Fair Elections Terms of Service
  • I agree to identify myself on meetings/calls with my first name and county.
  • I agree that I will not forward any e mails from this coalition including the Zoom link.
  • I will avoid overt political speech or comments about a particular candidate or political party.
  • I will respect the opinions and privacy of every individual on calls or Zoom meetings.
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TNFE Statement & Disclaimer:

TNFE is a network of citizens who are motivated to collaborate together for election integrity in Tennessee. That involves building state working groups and county task forces.We are citizens, moving together, contributing to statewide efforts through this coalition. The Election Integrity Network sponsor these state coalitions to educate and equip individuals and task forces in best practices for voter roll maintenance, citizen research, protecting vulnerable voters, and legislation. Only by working together can we hope to reclaim control over elections. If you are not a part of one of TNFE county task forces or connected to an EIN working group, please note that in the comments now and we will help you get connected. Note, that the work and partnership with EIN is monitored in order to ensure that we properly reflect and respect the EIN network and its affiliates. Also, we are not here to engage in debate or overt political comments about candidates or parties. Finally, TNFE encourages citizens to engage respectfully and lawfully with election commissioners and elected officials at all times.

Copyright 2023 Tennessee Fair Elections

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